Friday, 28 September 2012

(0100110101111001001000000101001001100101011100110110010101100001011100100110001101101000001000000101010001101111011100000110100101100011001110100010000001001000011101010110110101100001011011100010000001001110011000010111010001110101011100100110010100100000011011110110011000100000010100100110111101100010011011110111010001110011001000000011101000101001) My Research Topic: Human Nature of Robots :)

So I have decided to research on robots. Simply because they are cool.

But even with my science fiction fascination, I kind of have to be serious by narrowing this broad topic to something  specific.

I have decided to research on the "Human Nature of Robots". It is an extension of my Google science fair question "Can robots gain consciousness with enough memory and brain power?"

Here I hope to draw a parallel between the Carbon life universe and the Silicon life universe. More specifically humans and their idiosyncrasies. I hope to research human emotions, consciousness, evolution, Intelligence and gender. I hope to apply the same contexts and attempt to answer the question if all these characteristics will ever apply to robots one day as they evolve. For example, 'would silicon life have evolved on its own without human intervention', or 'should robots be prescribed genders..and if they ever become conscious, will they classify themselves into distinctive genders?'

Feels like a scene from Terminator or Wall- E right? Let's hope researching on the topic will be equally as fun. :)

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